Blue is the New Green: How Armstrong is Reducing Landfill Waste

Did you know that Americans generate almost 300 million tons of waste each year? That’s around five pounds of waste per person per day. And, since most of that waste isn’t recycled, it instead piles up in landfills around the nation.
When landfills accumulate waste, it creates pollution, which in turn poses a threat to our environment and health. Despite the many warnings, news stories, reports and statistics we hear about the negative effects of pollution, waste generation shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, estimates show that municipal solid waste generation is expected to increase by approximately 70 percent by 2050.
And what makes up the most significant percentage of overall municipal solid waste? Paper and paperboard. The good news? These biodegradable materials are ideal for recycling.
To support corporate sustainability efforts and better protect our planet and its inhabitants, Armstrong has committed to reducing their overall waste footprint across the markets we serve. That’s why we’ve partnered with Houston Waste Solutions to create and enact a green initiative that reduces the amount of commercial waste we’re putting into landfills.
What are the details of Armstrong’s green initiative?
Armstrong utilizes the cost-effective services of Houston Waste Solutions to single-stream recycle its materials, namely its paper and corrugated cardboard boxes.
With single-streaming recycling, all types of recyclable materials can be put into one container. From there, they’re taken to a facility and are professionally sorted. Once the sorting process concludes, the materials are delivered to recycling mills and manufactured into new products, like recycled moving boxes.
Through this partnership, Armstrong has already kept 34 tons of corrugated materials out of landfills in 2022 alone. This is just the beginning of an exciting future for our company, customers and communities.
What are the effects of corrugated cardboard recycling?
Cardboard, also known as corrugated cardboard, is made from wood fibers that go through a pulping process. It takes around 17 trees to create the wood fiber needed for one ton of cardboard. During the process required to turn the wood into pulp, sulfur dioxide is created, a gas that causes acid rain.
Recycled cardboard reduces the number of cut-down trees, reducing overall energy consumption and the output of sulfur dioxide pollution by half. Plus, converting the waste into recycled cardboard boxes and other products reduces the need to go to a landfill.
When cardboard sits in a landfill, it breaks down and emits methane, a greenhouse gas. Methane is responsible for around 20 percent of global emissions and is more than 25 times as potent as carbon dioxide when it comes to trapping heat in the atmosphere. When this heat is trapped, it contributes to climate change.
Why is it important to trust your move to a sustainability-focused company?
Waste happens during both residential and commercial moves. No matter the situation, there are broken, unwanted or unnecessary assets that people want to discard before relocating to a new space. And, when that happens, if you don’t have the right partner on your side, the stuff likely winds up in a landfill, causing not just environmental problems but financial ones as well.
At Armstrong Relocation – Houston, we know how to make the most of these items by finding new homes or recycling them into new materials. That way, you get your money back in your pocket, and landfills are clear of excess waste. It’s a solution that’s not just cost-effective but environmentally conscious.
To find out more about our green initiative and how we can put it to work for your next residential or commercial move, contact Armstrong Relocation Houston by calling 281.897.1118 or requesting a free quote online.